Omnipresent : ? Your Aradhya Dev / Devi (Isht Dev / Devi) or any other Dev / Devi in which you are having complete faith - is Omnipresent.
If you ask about Omnipresent to any knowledgeable / spiritual person he will be quiet speechless because no one can describe Ompnipresent completly.
The Omnipresent is within and beyond thoughts, words, in and without shape, micro to micro and mega to mega, within and beyond the universe, prior to the beginning and end of the ending.
If we look closely in our surroundings we see the vehicles moving, different types of machines functioning. Their must be a driver and an operator that keeps it moving and operating. Since the existing of the universe all living beings, including humans, the heart is beating and blood is circulating in their bodies. The air is blowing in the atmosphere, you can also assess the velocity. Regulary and accurately the Earth, Moon and other Planets are moving in the Universe at their respective paths. All these and other than that are in motion is driven by the force - i.e. Omnipresent.
This subject only and completly relates to the soul, not to the mind. We cannot know about Omnipresent with the logics.
Your association with Omnipresent will develope in propotionate to the level of your faith and purity of your soul. Higher the purity of your soul and faith, stronger will be your bond with Omnipresent.
You must spend quality time each day with Omnipresent. Dedicate yourself with complete faith and devotion, positive thoughts and purity of soul. Gradually you will start knowing Omnipresent and experience the unique exhilarating pleasure.
The time, process and period can be as per your own convenience.
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